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Cluster Dragonhead - Dracocephalum botryoides.
Homeland: North Caucasus, alpine meadows.
An unpretentious and drought-resistant evergreen plant from the Lamiaceae family.
Perennial 10-15 cm tall. Forms mats. Leaves are up to 20 mm long, oval,..
Clustered Bellflower "Alba" (Schneekrone, Dane's-Blood) - Campanula glomerata var. alba.
Original cut flowers! One of the best rockery decorations.
Unpretentious, frost-resistant, drought-resistant perennial, blooming from late M..
Clustered Bellflower (violet-blue & white mixed).
Perennial 40-60 cm high. The diameter of the flower is about 7 cm. Lush, pearly white and pale blue bells, collected in lush globular inflorescences, fascinate at first sight. The plant is surp..
Clustered bellflower dahurica "Odessa" - Campanula glomerata var. dahurica superba.
Unpretentious, frost-resistant and drought-resistant perennial. Good for cutting.
Flower colour: dark violet.
Natural flowering period: June - Augus..
Coneflower "Cheyenne Spirit" F1 (mix) - Echinacea x hybrida.
A charming mixture will create a romantic mood in your garden!
Plants up to 75 cm high. Large inflorescences-baskets with a convex center and long hanging petals.
Comfrey - Symphytum officinale.
Environmentally friendly seeds for organic farming.
Medicinal perennial from the Boraginaceae family.
Flowering plant height: 80 cm.
Flower colour: purple or cream.
Natural flowering period: May - July.
Common bent - Agrostis capillaris.
Ornamental perennial grass up to 50 cm high, which looks beautiful from early spring to late autumn.
Graceful bent leaves, due to the thin structure of the leaf, form a soft and velvety tussock. The bent gras..
Common houseleek "Winter hardy Varieties" - Sempervivum hybridum.
Under this name, varieties and forms of complex hybrid origin are combined.
Name: comes from the Latin words "semper" - always and "vivus" - a..
Common lungwort (Jerusalem-sage, Joseph and Mary, spotted dog) - Pulmonaria officinalis.
It grows everywhere from Western Europe to Siberia in deciduous forests on humus-rich soils.
Perennial herbaceous plant up to 10-30 cm tall, with a black branc..
Yellow scurvy-grass (Common wintercress, garden yellowrocket) - Barbarea vulgaris.
Plant height: 60 cm.
Flowering time: V-VII.
Winter hardiness zones: Z5-8.
Location: jaundice are light-loving, drought-resistant, and does not toler..
Compassplant (Cup Plant, Rosinweed) - Silphium laciniatum.
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Features: flower heads always turn to the east.
Flower colour: golden yellow.
Flowering plant height: 200 cm.
Natural flowering perio..
Cone-Flower "Alan's Pride".
An unpretentious, abundantly flowering plant with large inflorescences-baskets. The stems are erect, branched, 60-75 cm high. Inflorescences are 9-10 cm in diameter on long, strong peduncles.
Rudbeckia "Autumn Beauty" (original mix of colours) - Echinacea x hybrida.
This charming mixture will create a romantic mood in your garden!
Perennial echinacea that blooms in the year of sowing.
Plants 70-80 cm high, forming large ..
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii "Goldsturm".
Very impressive in massed planting, these golden daisies also make fine-cut flowers.
Special Features: A durable, low maintenance, pest-free plant. Among the most popular of all perennials.
Coneflower "Green Twister".
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Winner of the International Hardy Plant Union (ISU) Award.
Flower colour: lemon green with an intensifying carmine red centre.
Natural flowering period: July - Septe..
Coneflower "Amber" - Rudbeckia speciosa.
A perennial plant 50-60 cm high. The leaves are oblong to round. The ligulate flowers are orange-yellow, the tubular ones are brown-black. It blooms from July for 55-65 days. Prefers open sunny plac..
Rudbeckia "Paradiso Super-Duper".
This charming beauty will create a romantic mood in your garden!
Perennial echinacea, blooming in the year of sowing.
Plants 70-80 cm high, forming large semi-double inflorescences-baskets.
Сomb-flower "PowWow White" (black sampson) - Echinacea purpurea.
Snow-white beauty!
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
A wonderful perennial for modern garden design for rock gardens and as a potted or container plant. Effective ..
Сomb-flower "PowWow Wild Berry" (black sampson) - Echinacea purpurea.
Carmine beauty!
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
An excellent perennial for modern garden designs, rock gardens, and as a potted or container plant. Eff..
Coneflower "Purpur" (comb-flower) - Echinacea purpurea.
Height 90-100 cm. Unpretentious frost-resistant perennial. Growing up, forms curtains up to half a meter in diameter.
Inflorescences are large, up to 12 cm, semi-double, saturat..
Comb-flower "Ruby Star" (Rubinstern) - Echinacea purpurea.
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Origin: North America: Ohio and Michigan south to Georgia, west to Oklahoma and northeast Texas.
Distinctive characteristics: the infloresce..
Coneflower "White Swan" (comb-flower) - Echinacea purpurea f. alba.
White-flowered form of the popular echinacea.
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
Origin: North America.
Flowering characteristics: 2-3 flowers in the first..
Black-Eyed Susan Coneflower - Rudbeckia subtomentosa.
Flower colour: golden yellow.
Natural flowering period: July-September.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z8.
Height: 80 cm.
8.0 g = 1000 plants.
Comb-flower mix (Echinacea sp.).
* Echinacea is ideal for sunny flower beds and favors nutritious, well-cultivated, dry soils. Echinacea grows poorly on light sandy soils. It is advisable to add a small amount of lime to the soil.
Cut off the inflo..
-Честно скажу: сама не сажала. Но когда искала информацию об этом растении нашла вот такую:
Есть виды, которые не стоит покупать для выращивания в Северо-западном регионе. Первые два — это герани восточно-тибетская (G. orientalitibeticum) и клубненосная (G. tuberosum) — представители так называем..
Есть виды, которые не стоит покупать для выращивания в Северо-западном регионе. Первые два — это герани восточно-тибетская (G. orientalitibeticum) и клубненосная (G. tuberosum) — представители так называем..
-Честно скажу: сама не сажала. Но когда искала информацию об этом растении нашла вот такую:
Есть виды, которые не стоит покупать для выращивания в Северо-западном регионе. Первые два — это герани восточно-тибетская (G. orientalitibeticum) и клубненосная (G. tuberosum) — представители так называемых клубневых гераней. Одна из них периодически попадает в наши садоводческие торговые точки, вторая была замечена мной лишь раз. И та, и другая могут перезимовать, но для этого должны совпасть несколько факторов: теплое сухое лето, переходящее в сухую же осень и пусть морозную, но без оттепелей, зиму. Учитывая погоду последних лет, по‑моему, нам надеяться не на что. Еще один вид, который очень плохо «ведет» себя у нас, — герань сидячецветковая (G. sessiliflorum). И это очень обидно, потому что эта гостья из Анд и Новой Зеландии могла бы стать настоящим украшением рокария! Но что поделаешь, не хватает ей тепла в наше северное лето.
Dwarf Black Cranesbill - Geranium sessiliflorum f. nigricans.
Low-growing decorative and deciduous perennial from the Geraniaceae family.
Flower colour: white.
Foliage: bronze.
Natural flowering period: June - September.
Plant height: 10 cm..